Oh, Kate kan sina saker.
Simply knowing you exist aint good enough for me
But asking for your telephone number
seems highly inappropriate
Seeing as I can't
even say hi
when you walk by
And that time you shook my hand it felt so nice
I swear I've never felt this way about any other guy
and I don't usually notice people's eyes but..
I conducted a plan
To bump into you most accidentally
I was walking along
and I bumped into you
much more heavily than I'd originally planned.
It was well embarrassing and
I think you thought that I was a bit of a twat
I just think that we'd get on
*Oh* I wish I could tell you face to face
instead of singing this stupid song
but yeah I just think that we might get on
So I went to that party
everyone they were kind of arty
And I was wearing this dress
'cause I wanted to impress
But I wasn't sure if I look my best
'cause I was so nervous
But I carried on regardless
strutting through each room
trying to find you
And when I saw you kissing that girl
My heart, it shattered
and my eyes, they watered
and when I tried to speak I stu-uttered
And my friends were like "Whatever,
you'll find someone better,
his eyes are way too close together
and we never even liked him from the start.
And now he's with that tart,
I heard she'd done some really nasty stuff
down in the park with Michael.
He said she's easy
and if your guys with someone that's sleazy
then he ain't worth your time
cause you deserve a real nice guy"
So I proceeded to get drunk and to cry
and I locked myself in the toilets for the entire night
Saturday night, I watch Channel 5
I particularly like CSI
I don't ever dream about you and me
I don't ever make up stuff about us
that would be classed as insanity
I don't ever drive by your house to see if you're in
I don't even have an opinion on that tramp
that you are still seeing
I don't know your timetable
I don't know your face off by heart
but I must admit that there is still a part of me
that thinks we might get on
that we could get on
that we should get on
Kate Nash, We get on
Simply knowing you exist aint good enough for me
But asking for your telephone number
seems highly inappropriate
Seeing as I can't
even say hi
when you walk by
And that time you shook my hand it felt so nice
I swear I've never felt this way about any other guy
and I don't usually notice people's eyes but..
I conducted a plan
To bump into you most accidentally
I was walking along
and I bumped into you
much more heavily than I'd originally planned.
It was well embarrassing and
I think you thought that I was a bit of a twat
I just think that we'd get on
*Oh* I wish I could tell you face to face
instead of singing this stupid song
but yeah I just think that we might get on
So I went to that party
everyone they were kind of arty
And I was wearing this dress
'cause I wanted to impress
But I wasn't sure if I look my best
'cause I was so nervous
But I carried on regardless
strutting through each room
trying to find you
And when I saw you kissing that girl
My heart, it shattered
and my eyes, they watered
and when I tried to speak I stu-uttered
And my friends were like "Whatever,
you'll find someone better,
his eyes are way too close together
and we never even liked him from the start.
And now he's with that tart,
I heard she'd done some really nasty stuff
down in the park with Michael.
He said she's easy
and if your guys with someone that's sleazy
then he ain't worth your time
cause you deserve a real nice guy"
So I proceeded to get drunk and to cry
and I locked myself in the toilets for the entire night
Saturday night, I watch Channel 5
I particularly like CSI
I don't ever dream about you and me
I don't ever make up stuff about us
that would be classed as insanity
I don't ever drive by your house to see if you're in
I don't even have an opinion on that tramp
that you are still seeing
I don't know your timetable
I don't know your face off by heart
but I must admit that there is still a part of me
that thinks we might get on
that we could get on
that we should get on
Kate Nash, We get on
Så fint! Jag är bara så fruktansvärt glad just nu, allt klaffade, allt gick jättebra! Tack Bäckaskog slott, Daniel, Robert, Linnea och Carolina!
Gå in här och se alla:

Fotograf: Daniel Ahlgren
Gå in här och se alla:

Fotograf: Daniel Ahlgren
Åh det finns så mycket jag vill skriva. Igår fick jag alla Malins minimajs. Julle och jag festade på päronsaft. Jag brottades med min storebror. Idag satt jag och Julia med nosen mot fel håll, ingen vacker utsikt. För ett par dagar sedan blev jag ganska så glad tack vare fula bilder och fina komentarer. Imorgon ska jag vänta på fredag då jag ska pyssla inför Bäckaskog. Jag längtar oh så mycket!

Matrioshka Russian dolls for Vogue Russia
NOVEMBER 2008 - Designed by MarniHarlequin

Jag vill ha de där hotpantsen! Jag måste ha dem! Har letat på Top Shops hemsida men de fanns bara kvar i rött, på ebay kostade de typ 2000kr, och på tradera fanns de inte alls. Jag tänker sticka till Nova imorgon och kolla om jag sån tur att de finns där, jag tvivlar. Undra om man kan köpa sånt tyg någonstans? Kanske kan sy själv.
Nu är det bara en vecka kvar till Bäckaskog!
Little bit
En väldigt konstig dag, har det varit. Vaknade med en konstig känsla och är fortfarande förvirrad. Jag är inte ledsen, inte arg. Jag är glad, men förvirrad, och uppgiven. Lite undrande. Nä okej, jag är inte glad. Vi håller oss till förvirrad.
Söndagssoppa idag, mycket nöje. Orkade dock inte mycket soppa då jag precis hade ätit frukost. Fick prata av mig lite mer. Sen fick jag förklara mig lite mer, när jag kom hem och möttes av två päron med minst sagt butter uppsyn. Men jag hade ju bara haft tjejkväll. Nä okej, inte tjejkväll. Vi håller oss till förklaring.
Jag är i alla fall tjockt(!) besviken! Så, där kom det. Puh.
Söndagssoppa idag, mycket nöje. Orkade dock inte mycket soppa då jag precis hade ätit frukost. Fick prata av mig lite mer. Sen fick jag förklara mig lite mer, när jag kom hem och möttes av två päron med minst sagt butter uppsyn. Men jag hade ju bara haft tjejkväll. Nä okej, inte tjejkväll. Vi håller oss till förklaring.
Jag är i alla fall tjockt(!) besviken! Så, där kom det. Puh.